Rotating ferrofluid drops



A.     Engel 1 , A. V. Lebedev 2 , K. I. Morozov 2 .


1.      Otto-von-Guericke Universitat Magdeburg, PSF 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany.

2.      Institute of Continuos Media Mechanics, 1 Korolev Street, 614013, Perm, Russia.


The shapes of rotating fluid drops have al ways fascinade scientists and artists alike. Ferrofluid drops floating in a non magnetic liquid of the same density can be brought into rotation by a rotating magnetic field set up by two perpendicular pairs of Helmholtz coils. Depending on the magnetic permeability of the ferrofluid these drops show a variety of shape transformations when frequency and strength of the magnetic field are varied.

In [1] the shape of rotating microdrops with a typical radius of 10 mm has been studied both experimentally and theoretically. In the present paper we investigate the shape transformations of drops with radius of several millimeters, i.e. a hundred times larger. It turns out that new shape transformations may show up which were missed in [1], probably due to the smallness of the drops.

We will only consider the case of a fast rotating magnetic field, i.e. with a frequency large as compared with the in verse of the typical time for shape relaxation of the droplet. The shape is then to a very good approximation determined by the balance between the surface energy and the magnetic energy averaged over one period of the field. Assuming an elliptical shape of the deformed droplet both energies can be determined analytically for a linear relation between magnetization and magnetic field [2]. Minimizing the resulting expression in eccentricities of the ellipsoid the various shape transformations can be determined.

For small susceptibilities, m < 5, we find the initially spherical droplet deforms with increasing field strength H into an oblate spheroid of increasing eccentricity. For larger values of m there is at intermediate values of H a transition to a three-axis ellipsoid which transforms back to a flat oblate spheroid at large H values. The transition to and from the three axis  ellipsoid occurs via backward bifurcation for m > 10 (see figures).




Figure 1. Ratio a / b between the semiaxes of the rotating drop in the plane perpendicular to the external field as function of the magnetic Bond number B0 = H2R / s for a fluid of permeability m = 20,4. The upper curve results from the theory using a linear magnetization curve, the lower one uses the Langevine law. Symbols represent experimental results. 



Figure 2. Same as Figure 1 for the ratio a / с between the largest and the smallest semiaxes of the droplet.



At the moment where a transition to a three axis ellipsoid takes place the rotation frequency of the drop becomes easily accessible to an experimental investigation. The rotation frequency can be determined theoretically from the balance between viscous and magnetic torque’s. The former can be calculated by using Jef fray’s solution [3] for an ellipsoidal solid moving in a viscous fluid whereas the de termination of the latter requires the calculation of the phase lag of the magnetization with respect to the external magnetic field.

Our theoretical results are compared with experimental findings. Quite generally it turns out that although a theory using a linear relation M (H) is able to explain the experimental results qualitatively to obtain also quantitative agreement requires to take into account saturation effects in the magnetization curve. This is not surprising since the experimentally relevant fields are of the order to the saturation magnetization. We present  theoretical investigation using Langevin or more sophisticated [4,5] magnetization curves and find considerably better agreement between theory and experiment, both for the shape and the rotation frequency of the drop.




1.      J. C. Bacri, A. Cebers, R. Perzynski // Phys. Rev. Lett., 72 (1994) 2705.

2.      K. I. Morozov // Journal Theoretical and experimental physics, 85 (1997) 728.

3.      G. B. Jeffrey // Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 102 (1922) 161.

4.      A. F. Pshenichnikov, V. V. Mekhonoshin, A. V. Lebedev // J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 161 (1996) 94.

5.      B. Huke, M. Lucke // Phys. Rev., E62 (2000) 6875.