NiFe2O4 nanoparticles in ferrofluids: evidence of spin disorder in the surface layer

                       NiFe2O4 nanoparticles in ferrofluids: evidence of spin disorder in the surface layer


M.H. Sousa, E. Hasmonay, J. Depeyrot, F.A. Tourinho, J.-C. Bacri,

E. Dubois, R. Perzynski, Yu.L. Raikher




We show that surface magnetic properties of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles constituting ionic ferrofluids can be investigated in macroscopic experiments. Cross-analysis of static magnetization and field-induced birefringence prove that the particles consist of a uniformly magnetized core and a spin-disordered surface layer of comparable thickness.



Nanoparticles; Nickel ferrite; Magnetic fluids; Magnetic birefringence




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