Static magneto-optical birefringence of size-sorted − Fe2O3 nanoparticles

Static magneto-optical birefringence of size-sorted  − Fe2O3 nanoparticles


E. Hasmonay, E. Dubois, J.-C. Bacri, R. Perzynski, Yu.L. Raikher, and V.I. Stepanov





Magnetic birefringence experiments under static field are performed on ionic ferrofluid samples based on g−Fe2O3. A colloidal size-sorting of the particles allows to obtain narrow size distributions. The optical birefringence of the solutions is found positive and can be described by a Langevin formalism. It scales as H2 in the low field limit. In the high field limit the particles size dependence of the saturation birefringence is compatible with a surface anisotropy constant KS = 2.8x10−2 erg cm−2 associated with a particle elongation of 1.25 both coherent with Neel predictions of surface anisotropy in small grains.


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