Alternating magneto-birefringence of ionic ferrofluids in crossed fields

Alternating magneto-birefringence of ionic ferrofluids in crossed fields


E. Hasmonay, E. Dubois, S. Neveu, J.-C. Bacri, and R. Perzynski



A dynamic probing of magnetic liquids is performed experimentally, using a static magnetic field modulated by another smaller
eld, normal and alternating. The optical magneto-birefringence under these crossed magnetic fields is recorded as a function of the frequency for different field intensities and different sizes of the magnetic nanoparticles. A general reduced behavior is found for the in-phase and the out-of-phase optical response which is well-described by a simple mechanical model. Depending on

the value Hani of the anisotropy  field of the nanoparticles, we can distinguish two different high magnetic field regimes: { a rigid dipole regime (large anisotropy energy with respect to kBT) for cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with a relaxation time inversely proportional to the  eld intensity HC(HC < Hani), a softdipole regime (anisotropy energy of the order of kBT) for maghemite nanoparticles with a relaxation time independent of the field intensity HC(HC > Hani).



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