Surface waves in ferrofluids under vertical magnetic field

Surface waves in ferrofluids under vertical magnetic field


J. Browaeys, J.-C. Bacri, C. Flament, S. Neveu, and R. Perzynski





We present here new experimental results about the waves at the horizontal free surface of a magnetic fluid submitted to a normal magnetic  field. The waves are generated by a small modulation at frequency of the vertical  field He. Using a shadowgraph method, we are able to measure the wavevector k of the 2D waves for a given value of He. The dispersion relation of the surface waves is established experimentally. On the other hand, we propose a theoretical derivation of the dispersion equation which includes a more complete treatment of the magnetic term than the previous works. Finally, we conclude that a linear and inviscid analysis is suffcient to  fit well the experimental data, except in the vicinity of the critical  field where a surface instability occurs.


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